Invited Scholars Seminars – Torgny Roxa – 2008


University teachers have strong ownership over what happens in the university classrooms and are often internally motivated. This seminar will deal with how these individuals can be influenced toward a more scholarly approach to teaching. The purpose of the presented perspective is to reach a state where teaching is continuously improved. A socio-cultural approach will be used to explain how this can be done in a research-intensive environment. It comprises engagement from individual teachers to senior managers and structural measures, e.g. rewards and staff development. Evidence of outcomes will be reported (improved teaching), and theoretical perspectives discussed.

Torgny Roxå has been an academic developer since 1988, and is currently at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. He holds a Masters in Higher Education from Griffith University in Brisbane (Au). His current interest is Strategic Educational Development in Higher Education, a socio-cultural approach where the essentialist and the socio-cultural perspectives are used in combination. He has developed several major measures for change, both at Lund University and nationally in Sweden.

Previously, Torgny has supported development of PBL-curriculum (Dentistry), introduced a university-wide concept for training of researchers in Oral presentation, and initiated a strategic faculty-wide initiative for the development of teaching and learning in The Faculty of Engineering. This initiative has gained international recognition for its integrated use of rewards, evaluation, and pedagogical courses.

Download Torgny Roxa’s presentation (PDF) and the references (PDF) mentioned during the seminar.

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