Educational Evaluation and Research

Evaluation is important for helping you to understand what is and isn’t working with your teaching and learning project or initiative. Ongoing and iterative evaluation will help you to improve project design and implementation, make informed decisions, reach your intended goals and identify ways to sustain your work.

What can our team of experts do for you?

  • Help you understand what project and initiative evaluation is
  • Identify ways of evaluating your project or initiative
  • Develop sound evaluation plans around your specific goals
  • Identify the best method(s) to collect evidence of impact
  • Design and/or review survey, focus group and/or interview questions
  • Advise on data collection
  • Advise on data analysis and reporting
  • Recommend on whether to seek institutional ethics approval and how to do it
  • Consult on funding/grant proposal development (e.g., TLEF, OER, Tri-Council)
  • Support educational research

How do we work?


Contact us to discuss your evaluation questions and needs.


We can work with you on any aspect and stage of evaluating a project or initiative, pending capacity. Projects do not need to be funded to access our support.


We have curated a series of resources to support the evaluation needs of the UBC community: getting started with evaluation, common methods, best practices in data collection tool design, and more.

PD opportunities

We offer workshops on evaluation, ethics for teaching and learning projects, survey design, focus groups/interviews, and more. Our upcoming events are hosted by the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISoTL).

Contact us!

Email us at if you are a UBCV…

  • faculty member engaging in teaching and learning projects, whether funding has been secured or not
  • staff member interested in learning the impact of your work and evaluation more broadly
  • student supporting a funded teaching and learning project (e.g., TLEF, OER)