Julia Burnham

UBC introduces interdisciplinary course on Indigenous Cultural Safety
By Julia Burnham on July 28, 2017
The Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health (CEIH) has partnered with UBC Health to bring forth a new interdisciplinary learning experience on Indigenous Cultural Safety.
Canvas implementation is underway
By Heidi Wudrick on July 28, 2017
Select UBC courses will be moving to Canvas in September 2017. By September 2018, all courses previously taught in Connect will have transitioned to Canvas.
NAISA Lunch & Learn explores Indigenous Initiatives
By Wendy Chan on July 28, 2017
From June 22 to 24, UBC co-hosted the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) 9th annual conference.
Registration is now open!
By emi1989 on July 11, 2017
Registration is now open for our 2017 Summer Institute. The Summer Institute runs from August 28th to September 1st 2017 in the Irving K Barber Learning Centre.
New curriculum revamps dental education and improves student experience
By Wendy Chan on July 5, 2017
Through creating more interactive classrooms and mapping students’ progress throughout their degrees, the Faculty of Dentistry is creating new learning experiences for dental students.
UBC student campaign raises awareness about nuclear weapons
By Heather McCabe and Emi Sasagawa on June 21, 2017
Five UBC students have launched the #CTBTcountdown challenge, a campaign to raise awareness about nuclear weapons.
Learning Technology Environment Renewal project update
By Tammy Yasrobi on May 30, 2017
After a successful Request for Proposal process, we are currently negotiating a contract with the preferred vendor and expect an announcement to be made to the UBC community in the next two to three weeks.
Integrating Indigenous knowledges in teaching: When will we be ready?
By emi1989 on May 30, 2017
On May 2 the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology held a panel discussion on integrating Indigenous content and perspectives in the classroom.
Keynote discusses the science behind successful learning
By Wendy Chan on May 30, 2017
Quizzes and tests can be a powerful tool for learning, according to Dr. Henry L. “Roddy” Roediger, the keynote speaker for the 9th annual Celebrate Learning Week.
Open Dialogues: How to do open courses
By emi1989 on May 30, 2017
Gregor Kiczales, professor of computer science and Senior Advisor for Digital Learning Strategy, has been doing open since before it was called open.
The CTLT is located on the ancestral and unceded territory of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ - speaking xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) peoples. These lands have long been a place of learning for Musqueam, with cultural and traditional knowledge passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.