Participants were asked what changes could be made at UBC to help them teach more effectively. These recommendations were informed by these responses.
Recommendation #1 Consider smaller class sizes.
The increasing class size is… prohibitive to maintaining the high standards of teaching I expect of myself. UBC should address class size!
Recommendation #2 Develop a culture that values effective teaching as much as research.
A culture change that appreciates the REAL value of the teaching mission of the university.
Recommendation #3 Provide more support and resources for teaching, including TAs.
Better access to resources. Currently, I’m expected to pay for any class materials I use – including photocopying. Better access to technology resources.
More TAs – this simple thing would substantially help with our growing programs.
Recommendation #4 More time to devote to teaching (less competing demands).
Free up some of my time so that I can devote more of it to teaching. I see a trend to reduce administrative support and require faculty to spend more and more time doing bureaucratic/administrative work that before was done by admin support. Reversing this trend is crucial to allow faculty to devote more effort to high quality teaching.
Recommendation #5 Update technology in classrooms, and consider options that allow for more flexibility in teaching practices.
More classrooms appropriate for team based learning.
Updated classrooms – still in chalkboard rooms teaching! Wider availability of technology teaching tools from which to choose and easily access