- Brain-Based Learning
- Cognitive Apprenticeship
- Collaborative Learning
- Constructivist Learning
- Cooperative Learning
- Critical Thinking
- Deep Learning
- Experiential Learning
- Problem-Based Learning
Brain-Based Learning
- Brain-Based (Compatible) Learning - Teacher Tap
- Brief and simply written introduction to brain-based learning. Lists other web links.
- http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic70.htm
- Brain-Compatible Learning - Teacher Development Network
- Lists other web links to visit for more information (some links don’t work).
- http://ozpk.tripod.com/brain.html
Cognitive Apprenticeship
- eSTEP Project - University of Wisconsin
- Research group studying how to support learning science instruction for secondary education.
- http://estep.wceruw.org
Collaborative Learning
- Using Groups in Classes & Encouraging Study Groups - University of California, Berkeley
- From the book Tools for Teaching by Barbara Gross Davis.
- http://teaching.berkeley.edu/using-groups-classes-encouraging-study-groups
- How Does Collaborative Learning Actually Work in a Classroom and How Do Students React to it? A Brief Reflection (PDF)
- Short text in which the author expands on his ideas about Collaborative Learning and how it has affected his work as a teacher of advanced English at one of Mexico’s most prestigious private colleges.
- The author addresses two main points:
- What is Collaborative Learning?
- How can it be used productively?”
- http://wiki.ubc.ca/File:Collaborative.pdf
Constructivist Learning
- Constructivist Learning Design - George W. Gagnon, Jr. and Michelle Collay
- This paper represents a collaborative effort of two teacher educators to articulate a constructivist approach to ‘designing for learning’ rather than planning for teaching.
- http://www.prainbow.com/cld/cldp.html
Cooperative Learning
- Publications on Cooperative Learning
- Publications about the use of active and cooperative instructional methods in college science and engineering courses. Links to active/cooperative learning websites.
- http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Student-Centered.html#Publications-Coop
- Ted’s Cooperative Learning and WAC Website
- This site contains a lot of information on cooperative learning, including a complete e-book. Links to other teaching and learning tools can also been found.
- http://home.capecod.net/~tpanitz
Critical Thinking
- Critical Thinking - teAchnology
- Lists websites pertaining to critical thinking.
- http://www.teach-nology.com/currenttrends/critical_thinking
- The Thinking Classroom - Graduate School of Education, Harvard University
- The Thinking Classroom by Harvard Project Zero is all about the teaching of critical and creative thinking. Here you can find downloadable sample lessons, units, and activities for cultivating thinking.
- http://learnweb.harvard.edu/alps/thinking/index.cfm
Deep Learning
- Electronic Portfolios as Digital Stories of Deep Learning
- This paper “discusses the concepts of ‘Electronic Portfolios as Digital Stories of Deep Learning’ and ‘Digital Storytelling as Reflective Portfolio’ by linking two dynamic processes to promote deep learning: Portfolio Development and Digital Storytelling.”
- http://electronicportfolios.org/digistory/epstory.html
- Encouraging Deep Learning - Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, National University of Singapore
- Overview of research conducted when a survey about learning motives and strategies was conducted among 350 students in a cross-faculty module of General Biology.
- http://www.cdtl.nus.edu.sg/link/mar2004/learn1.htm
Experiential Learning
- David A. Kolb on Experiential Learning - infed (the informal education)
- Sets out Kolb’s model and examines its possibilities and problems.
- http://infed.org/mobi/david-a-kolb-on-experiential-learning
- Experiential Learning on the Web - Tim Pickles
- "This article aims to help the reader explore the development of experiential learning from its original proposal into some of its current refinements and applications today, using the World Wide Web (the Internet) as a vast reference library.” This site also presents critiques, made from various perspectives, of Kolb’s theory of experiential learning.
- http://reviewing.co.uk/research/experiential.learning.htm#1
- The Experiential Learning Cycle
- Diagrammatic representations and brief overviews provided under the following categories: experiential learning styles, forms of knowledge and the learning cycle, elaborations of the experiential learning cycle, and the Kolb Model and subject disciplines.
- http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/experience.htm
Problem-Based Learning
- Problem-Based Learning - University of Delaware
- Links to articles, books, conferences, sample PBL problems, sample courses and syllabi, and other PBL sites.
- http://www.udel.edu/inst
- PBL Directory
- “Contains brief information about how PBL is managed by various departments and different disciplines, in many countries, in order to facilitate international collaboration in Problem-Based Learning.”
- http://feedback.bton.ac.uk/pbl/pbldirectory/index.php