The Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic invites faculty, staff and students to submit Letters of Intent (LOIs) for Undergraduate Program Evaluation and Renewal projects and Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) Transformation projects. The deadline for both is 3:00 p.m. on July 12, 2018.
Special Call: Undergraduate Program Evaluation and Renewal projects
Academic units are invited to submit LOIs for Undergraduate Program Evaluation and Renewal projects funding, in alignment with Strategy 12: Program Redesign, of UBC’s new Strategic Plan. These projects should focus on program level learning outcomes and/or competencies. Program level learning outcomes are statements regarding what students should know or be able to do as a result of a program of study. In this call, competencies are defined as the abilities or attributes that students need to perform well both within and beyond academia.
Large TLEF Transformation projects
Large TLEF Transformation projects are multi-year projects, funded up to $250,000, that are intended to advance UBC’s strategic goals relating to transformative learning. These projects typically aspire to impact multiple courses or programs, have the potential to involve collaboration across departments or faculties, and align with one or more strategies or priorities in UBC’s Strategic Plan.
For this year’s Large TLEF Transformation projects, proposals that address one or more of the following thematic areas will be particularly welcome:
- Enhanced experiential and work-integrated learning opportunities (including proposals that support ongoing reflection and validation of experiential activities).
- Development of validated methods to assess student learning and integrate learning analytics to enhance data-driven approaches to improve student learning.
- Enhancing the scholarly communications skills (writing, speaking, listening, reading) of students.
- Strengthen and expand Indigenous-focused curricula in existing programs, and competence for instructors in working with Indigenous topics.
- Development of approaches, resources or activities that actively engage with diversity and build capacity for inclusion in teaching and learning contexts.
- Creation or integration of open educational resources to make education more affordable and accessible to students.
Application Process
Applicants will go through a two-stage approval process, and successful applicants to the LOI stage will be invited to submit a full proposal that will be due October 11, 2018.
For more information about these funding opportunities and the application process, please visit the TLEF website. To view information about previously funded TLEF projects, please visit this page.
A call for Small TLEF proposals (up to $50,000) will be announced in the beginning of September 2018.
The TLEF was created in 1991 to enrich student learning by supporting innovative and effective educational enhancements. Financed by a portion of student tuition, the TLEF has supported more than 1,000 projects at UBC Vancouver.