2018 SoTL Seed & Dissemination Fund Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals: SoTL Seed Program

The UBC Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISoTL) and the Centre for Teaching, Learning, & Technology offer a support program for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The SoTL Seed Program provides graduate research assistants, collegial support, and complementary funding for projects that seek to research and evaluate impactful pedagogies. Selected projects broaden our understanding of teaching and learning in higher education and show a potential for significant contributions to the UBC community and beyond.

Projects are strategically selected to reflect the breadth of work at UBC in terms of disciplines, scholarly approaches and expertise.

Deadline for the short application is Dec. 18, 2018. Please see the program page for more information.

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Call for Proposals: SoTL Dissemination Fund

The Provost Office is happy to announce a new fund to support the publishing and dissemination of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning work. The funds are managed and adjudicated by the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) and the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISoTL).

The Dissemination Fund supports journal processing feedback, conference registration, travel costs, etc. All full-time faculty at UBC Vancouver are eligible to apply.

Deadline: Dec. 18, 2018. More info on our website, https://isotl.ctlt.ubc.ca/sotl-dissemination-fund/

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