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Emily Bridge


Practical learning in the classroom

Practical learning in the classroom

In the June edition of Edubytes, our guest editors are Kaitlyn Tyler, Manager, Alumni Engagement Volunteer and Student Programs, UBC Sauder School of Business, and Christine Lee, Associate Director, Alumni Engagement, Faculty of Arts and they discuss practical learning in the classroom.

participants in the 2024 spring institute

Recap: 2024 Spring Institute

The 2024 CTLT Spring Institute ran from June 3rd to 6th, bringing together members of the teaching and learning community from across UBCV and UBCO campuses. Learn more about the 2024 CTLT Spring Institute and find resources, presentation slides, and recordings.

Working on course design? Our experts are here to help.

Learning designers support you to incorporate evidence-based strategies in your course design, promote accessibility and inclusivity, and integrate technology seamlessly in various course modalities. We can help you enhance your teaching effectiveness to foster student success.

Renewed What I Learned in Class Today (WILICT): Facilitation Guide and Toolkit

Designed to support faculty, staff, and students interested in facilitating discussions based on the themes of the WILICT project, this story-based research project looks at student experiences in the classroom when Indigenous topics are discussed.

Using GenAI to grade exams in Cloud Computing courses

In this Q&A Dr. Aliabadi explains how she and her team are using GenAI to automatically grade exams for her cloud computing course.

Share your thoughts on the CTLT homepage redesign

Share your feedback on the new CTLT homepage redesign and help us enhance access to key programs, resources and services for you.

Edubytes – Celebrate Learning Week 2024

Edubytes – Celebrate Learning Week 2024

In the May edition of Edubytes, our guest editors are members of the Celebrate Learning Week team who planned and facilitated sessions during this week-long celebration of teaching and learning.