The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) has announced a call for proposals for 2016 small project grants. The TLEF is seeking projects that will enrich student learning through innovative educational enhancements. Grants of up to $50,000 will be awarded to successful proposals.
All UBC Vancouver faculties and colleges are invited to apply for TLEF funding. Undergraduate and graduate students, who have a faculty member as a co-applicant, are invited to submit proposals, as well as participate in the development of projects.
Proposals will be accepted through the TLEF online application system until November 13, 2015 at 3pm.
Project proposals will be reviewed first by internal Faculty TLEF committees and then passed on for review by the TLEF Adjudication Committee. Decisions will be announced in February 2016, with funding available to successful projects beginning April 2016.
A general TLEF information session will be held on October 1, from 12:00pm-1:30pm in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Room 2.22. CTLT, along with Faculty support units and UBC Creative Studios staff, will also be hosting a series of weekly drop-in sessions to assist applicants in developing an effective and detailed TLEF projectproposal. Registration for the information and drop-in sessions is now open.
Interested applicants that cannot attend the sessions, or faculty/colleges that would like to organize a local workshop, can contact Jeff Miller at to arrange a consultation.
TLEF criteria, guidelines, and policies are available on the TLEF website. Any questions about the TLEF can be directed to
Since its establishment in 1991, the TLEF has funded hundreds of teaching and learning projects. Last year 40 proposals received small project funding. TLEF projects contribute to UBC’s mandate of delivering an outstanding learning experience for students.
This article was published in Volume 3, Issue 5 of the CTLT Newsletter, Dialogues. Below is a list of articles included in the issue:
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund – Call for Proposals (currently viewing)