Celebration of Teaching Excellence – Joanne Fox

Discover the techniques and practices of outstanding teachers at UBC

Dr. Joanne Fox

Professor of Teaching, Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Vantage One Program, SCIE113 First-Year Seminar in Science

UBC students looking at notebook

Why did you choose this slide?

I chose a picture because I don’t use slides in my class. My class is a first-year seminar where student discussion and other student-centred learning activities drive the content.

What are you aiming to convey with it?

This picture shows students at the centre, and it shows me in the background (as a facilitator and guide of learning). Students learn from each other and from engaging in the learning environment that we have carefully constructed. It also shows first-year science students doing peer review of each other’s writing.

How do you think it contributes to student learning?

We have shown (and published) how this unique first-year seminar results in significant learning gains – in first-year science students writing skills and their ability to construct their own evidence-based arguments.

View Dr. Joanne Fox’s one-minute presentation on their teaching practice.