Customized Workshops and Training

With your professional development and learning goals in mind, CTLT can assist you in the design of customized workshops and events.

Aside from the regularly programmed sessions at CTLT, we can help design, develop and/or facilitate sessions to meet your specific teaching and learning needs. We will collaborate with you in determining the format and length that is most appropriate with your audience and clients.
We can meet with you once or on an ongoing basis depending on your needs.

We can work with you to:

  • identify the instructional/learning needs
  • develop a flexible program model
  • advise on the next steps for continuing capacity building

UBC Young Women in Business

YWiB is a student organization that facilitates networking opportunities for professional growth and mentorship to ambitious young women at UBC. CTLT developed two half-day workshops that introduced students to the application of learning technologies for their own self-publishing and professional growth.

The workshop agenda and resources are available at

TA Training Program

The Teaching Assistant (TA) Training Program at CTLT partners with faculties to assist with the development of training and resources that are responsive to the unique teaching situations that occur within the various disciplines. Each session is developed in response to specific TA and teaching needs identified within the departments.