Midterm Evaluations of Teaching Forum
During Celebrate Learning Week, students and instructors engaged in dialogue about midterm evaluations of teaching.
Delegates from the University of Calgary visit CTLT
Delegates visited CTLT for a series of discussions on institutional teaching and learning centres, and informal learning spaces.
New Course Profile: PHYS 333 – Energy and Climate
A new online Physics course explores the fundamental physics behind global issues of energy and climate change.
Communities of Practice at UBC
Learn more about the Communities of Practice at UBC and how you can get involved.
A Dip in the Pool: Connect Basics
At the 2012 CTLT Institute, attendees learned about many of the features of Connect, UBC’s new Learning Management System.
Mobile Devices and Digital Media for Social Networking in Learning
Representatives from England and Italy came to UBC to discuss the use of mobile devices and social networking in education.