At the CTLT, UBC faculty members at all stages of their career can benefit from an ongoing development program designed to enhance their teaching. These programs and resources, such as AI in Teaching and Learning, Instructional Skills Workshops and Indigenization, offer support and information on the latest teaching research and methods. New faculty can access a range of services and resources, and all faculty are encouraged to connect and collaborate through educational leadership resources.
New Faculty Orientation Guide
Faculty new to UBC will have an opportunity to network with peers and will be introduced to the wealth of departments and resources available to support their teaching careers.
UBC Educational Leadership Network
Connect with experienced faculty and receive updates on topics related to teaching and career path from this UBC instructor-led network.
Faculty Primer
The Faculty Primer is a quick-start guide with practical information, tips and how-tos on getting started at UBC.
Access our comprehensive resources filled with guides, data, recommendations, and tips to support instructors at every stage of their journey.
Featured Resources
All Resources
AI in Teaching and Learning
ECAR Benchmarking Report 2014
Educational Leadership
Hybrid teaching and learning
Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISoTL)
Keep Teaching Series
Learner-centered syllabus toolkit
Learning Centres
Learning Resources
New faculty guides
Professional Development Opportunities
Research and Data
Strategies for supporting temporarily remote students
Student experience with online learning: Recommendations for faculty
Student Peer Assessment: Case Studies
Teaching and Learning Journals
Teaching and Learning Resources Portal
Teaching Practices Survey
UBC’s Pivot to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning
Explore our wide array of inclusive programs for the practice of teaching at any career stage.
All Programs
Classroom Climate Series
Communities of Practice
Course Design Intensive for Faculty
CTLT Institute
Formative Peer Review of Teaching
Indigenous Initiatives
Instructional Skills Workshops for Faculty
Online Teaching Program
Summative Peer Review of Teaching
Teaching Development Program for New Faculty
Teaching in a Blended Learning Environment (T-BLE)
Reach out to our teams for professional development, the integration of learning technology, and the development and delivery of courses and programs.
Featured Services
All Services
- Consultation
- Course Development and Renewal
- Indigenous Initiatives
- Learning Analytics
- New Program Development and Renewal
- Online Course Revision
- Open Education
- Professional Development
- Research and Evaluation
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF)
- Workshops and Orientation
- Other
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM