Edubytes Newsletter

The Edubytes newsletter focuses on emerging trends and innovations in teaching and learning in higher education. Each edition covers a different topic and provides insights from research to best practices and more. Browse through our publications and archives below.

Online and Blended Learning: A Catalyst in Higher Education Reforms

Posted on Jun 20, 2019

In the June edition of Edubytes, our guest editors, Chris Crowley and Afsaneh Sharif, will be exploring online learning. Afsaneh is a Faculty Liaison and Senior Project Manager at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) and has twenty years of experience in open, online and technology-enhanced course and program development. She has been listed as one of the top 90 Canadian researchers in online, blended and distance education and has taught an online course called “Designing and Teaching Online Courses” internationally for many years.
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Teaching Assistantship as Teaching Preparation

Posted on May 23, 2019

In the May edition of Edubytes, we will be exploring teaching assistantship as teaching preparation. Our guest editor, Joseph Topornycky, has curated the first part of this edition of Edubytes. Joseph is a manager of graduate student programs with the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT).
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Inclusive Teaching

Posted on Apr 18, 2019

In the April edition of Edubytes, we will be exploring inclusive teaching, which is also the theme of UBC Vancouver's annual week-long showcase of teaching and learning opportunities, Celebrate Learning Week.
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Experiential Learning

Posted on Mar 26, 2019

In the March edition of Edubytes, we will be exploring experiential learning. Our guest editor, Kari Grain, PhD, an experiential and integrated learning analyst with the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT), has curated the first part of this edition.
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Edubytes Archive

Please see below for previous editions of Edubytes, also formerly known as Flexibytes.