Summative Peer Review of Teaching

At the University of British Columbia, summative peer review is an established practice in the overall evaluation of teaching. Faculty members typically participate in both formative and summative peer reviews of teaching as part of their career progression and growth.

The pages linked below provide details of the support structures and the processes in place for peer review of teaching at UBC.

Summative Peer Review of Teaching Rubric (PDF)

Summative Peer Review of Teaching Rubric (DOCX)

Guidance Notes (PDF)

The Summative Peer Review of Teaching Rubric was developed to promote a more consistent approach to reporting on peer reviews of teaching.

The accompanying guidance notes will aid in the implementation of the rubric. The guidance notes are provided as a resource to support existing practices. These documents are not meant to be prescriptive.

The Summative Peer Review of Teaching Rubric was developed from March to June 2018 by an ad hoc working group comprising of faculty members, faculty leadership and members of the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.

See the guidance notes for instructions and documentation on rubric usage.

Faculty Representatives and Faculty Documentation

Faculty leads for the summative peer review of teaching and documentation from various Faculties at UBC-V.

Formative Peer Review of Teaching

Details of the CTLT Formative Peer Review of Teaching program, including detailed process documentation and other resources.

Archived Materials

Principles for peer review of teaching (2009 and 2013).