Digital Tattoo

The Digital Tattoo Project is a collaboration between students and the UBC Library, UBC’s Centre for.  All of the resources developed as part of this project are developed as open educational resources with CC-BY-SA license. 


The goal of the Digital Tattoo project is to raise questions, provide examples and links to resources to encourage you to think about your presence online, navigate the issues involved in forming and re-forming your digital identity, and learn about your rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen. It’s about making informed decisions and your own decisions.

For more information, please visit the Digital Tattoo website.

The Digital Tattoo in the Classroom

The Digital Tattoo website and tutorials have been used in a variety of courses at the University of British Columbia and at the University of Toronto. Examples include annual workshops in collaboration with the Teacher Education Office for all new Teacher Candidates. The Digital Tattoo tutorials are also used in courses across North America and globally to help students consider digital identity and privacy on the web. Additionally faculty at both UBC and the U of T have developed student assignments that involve students posting blog posts about digital identity and privacy to the site. Browse some of the ways that students and instructors can engage with the project and contact us to consider ways of incorporating the resource within your courses.