
One-on-One Consultations

Have questions about preparing your course for the start of term?

Request a one-on-one meeting for support with course design, assessment or learning activity development, facilitating learning online, and more. These sessions allow you to sound out ideas about teaching and learning in the online environment, explore strategies to support active learning online, and seek additional information regarding technologies to support student engagement, interaction and assessment.

Request a course consultation by filling out the form below. Once submitted, we will contact you to arrange a time to meet via Zoom.

  • Your information

    For UBC Vancouver requests only.
    * = Required Field
  • Consultation Details

  • Example: HIST 201
  • Please describe the key topics that you are interested in discussing, the number of students in your course or course section, your potential availability for consultation, and any other relevant information.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.