Strategies, Toolkits, and Self-Assessment

The resources and guides listed below include helpful information, reading, references, and opportunities to learn more about anti-racism, decolonization, and EDI.


Resource/Initiative UBC Affiliation Audience Details
Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence (ARIE) Task Force Report  Office of the President and Co-Executive Leads for Anti-Racism Staff, faculty, and students The full list of recommendations and final report from the ARIE Task Force, outlining 54 steps for UBC to continue on the journey of becoming an anti-racist institution.
Critical Indigenous Research Toolkit Xwi7xwa Library Staff, faculty, and students Toolkit for learning about how to conduct responsible and respectful research.
Faculty Toolkits and Workshops on Community Engaged Learning  Centre for Community Engaged Learning Faculty Resources and workshops to support faculty who want to embed community engaged learning in their practices and classrooms.
Inclusion Action Plan (IAP) & IAP Toolkit/Self-Assessment  Equity & Inclusion Office Staff, faculty, and students The Inclusion Action Plan (PDF) and Inclusion Action Plan toolkit operationalize the theme of inclusion, and support the themes of innovation and collaboration in Shaping UBC’s Next Century: 2018–2028 Strategic Plan. This plan presents an opportunity for UBC to continue to develop its potential as a groundbreaking 21st century institution, including its leadership in creating global influence through its equitable, diverse, and inclusive campuses.
Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) & Self-Assessment Tool Office of Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Staff, faculty, and students The Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) is UBC’s response to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry’s Calls for Justice. It is an action plan which will meaningfully advance the human rights of all Indigenous people and Peoples connected to the university. The ISP toolkit (PDF) has been developed to support the practical implementation of ISP goals and actions.
Strategic Equity and Anti-Racism (StEAR) Framework  Equity & Inclusion Office Staff, faculty, and students The StEAR Framework reflects the need for individual and systemic interventions across four nested organizational domains for change — structural, curricular, compositional, and interactional.