Workshops, Courses, and Modules

The learning opportunities highlighted in this section mainly support self-directed anti-racist education.

Resource/Initiative UBC Affiliation Audience Details
Anti-Racism Awareness – Historical, Systemic and Intersectional Anti-Racism: From Awareness to Action Faculty of Education Staff, faculty, and students Over 7 modules, this course systemically covers and uncovers implicit and explicit forms of historic, systemic and institutional racisms and their colonial and intersectional impacts on marginalized peoples and their communities in the past and in contemporary times.
Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning (A-RTL) Program Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) Teaching, Learning and Professional Development; Equity and Inclusion Office; CTLT Indigenous Initiatives Staff and faculty These workshops are for UBC faculty, staff, and educators who wish to cultivate a teaching or facilitation practice that serves as a form of solidarity, and is premised upon research and popular education pedagogy in the areas of anti-racism, equity, and inclusion.
Conflict Engagement: An Introduction  Equity & Inclusion Office; Vancouver Conflict Theatre Staff, faculty, and students This online course fosters learning about UBC’s Conflict Engagement Initiative and encourages participants to explore ways for understanding conflict, and gain insights into power and resistance – our own resistance and how we experience the resistance of others, and some options for engaging in conflict.
Equity and Inclusion Courses and Programs UBC Extended Learning Non-UBC staff Courses and programs that help professionals learn effective intercultural communications skills, strategies, and tools to build and implement inclusive and equitable practices within organizational and community settings.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Teaching Assistant Workshops Equity & Inclusion Office Students (Teaching Assistants) A workshop that provides opportunities for Teaching Assistants (TAs) to learn about power and privilege within the learning environment, the policies and guidelines that frame their work, and how to best support students as TAs navigate ethical dilemmas and potential conflicts.
Faculty Toolkits and Workshops on Community Engaged Learning Centre for Community Engaged Learning Faculty Resources and workshops to support faculty who want to embed community engaged learning in their practices and classrooms.
Hiring Equity  Equity & Inclusion Office Staff and faculty This self-paced training and collection of resources aims to support search committees in their efforts to recruit and hire excellent faculty and staff, through a fair and equitable process.
Indigenous Initiatives (II) Design Series Indigenous Initiatives Staff and faculty The II Design Series is a professional development workshop series. The series has been intentionally designed to span three months, where participants have the opportunity to reflect on their learnings in between sessions and adapt the learning to fit their own context. The goal of the workshops is to create space for instructors and members of the UBC teaching and learning community who come to Indigenous topics with different levels of knowledge and expertise to share practices, redesign elements of their teaching and learning projects and resources, model and explore educational materials, and apply classroom climate principles to everyday learning design situations.
IN/Relation Modules Indigenous Initiatives Students Educational Resources for International Studies Learning Indigenous Contexts and Histories at UBC is currently developing 8 modules to introduce international students at UBC to learning about Indigenous topics, histories, and relationships.

There are draft modules and an open case study with facilitation guide and resources.

Equity & Inclusion Office (EIO) Knowledge Hub Equity & Inclusion Office Staff, faculty, and students Self-directed learning and engagement in addition to live learning opportunities and resources.
Positive Space Equity & Inclusion Office Staff, faculty, and students Courses, resources, and events that provide low-barrier access for students, staff, and faculty to learn about and celebrate the diversity in sex, sexuality, and gender that exists at UBC.
Respect, Sincerity & Responsibility: Land Acknowledgements @ UBC UBC Human Resources Staff, faculty, and students This course covers: foundational knowledge about what a land acknowledgement is and why we do them; exploring and addressing some of the barriers many learners experience when doing land acknowledgements; developing your own land acknowledgement.
Vice-President Finance & Operations (VPFO) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Online Courses Vice-President Finance & Operations Staff and faculty A 6-part series of online courses that include the following topics: foundations in EDI; power and privilege; stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination; introduction to anti-racism; systemic racism; and stories of resilience and resistance.