Formative Peer Review of Teaching


In this section of our website, you will find information about the CTLT Formative Peer Review of Teaching Program.

Note: Much of the information on this site focuses on peer review of in-person teaching. While many of the skills for peer review of in-person and online teaching are similar, we suggest you visit the "online teaching" tab (see above) for processes and resources specific to online teaching.

Peer review of teaching (PRT) is a process and/or form of evaluation designed to provide feedback to instructors about their teaching. It has been variously defined and is sometimes called "peer observation of teaching".

Peers may provide feedback on the following elements of teaching:

  • classroom teaching or online teaching.
  • teaching materials (i.e. syllabi, assignments)
  • feedback on student work
  • instructor’s written statement of teaching philosophy
  • self-assessment documentation such as a teaching portfolio

Ideally, the peer review of teaching is a reflective and collaborative process in which the instructor under review works closely with a colleague or group of colleagues to discuss teaching. Though the process outlined in this section is uni-directional (i.e., a reviewer giving feedback to an instructor), we highly encourage you to consider a reciprocal peer review process where instructors observe each other's teaching, reflect on what they learned through the observation, and share feedback as relevant.

Watch our video series aimed to help reviewers and reviewees who are participating in the formative peer review of teaching. The first video is below.

To watch the rest of the videos in our Peer Review of Teaching series, visit our YouTube channel.

For information about the UBC Summative Peer Review of Teaching Initiative, click here.

For information about the Graduate Formative Peer Review of Teaching (for graduate students), click here.

For information about the Instructional Skills Workshops (for faculty), click here.

Formative Program & Purpose

What is it?

The Formative Peer Review Program coordinated by the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology offers you the chance to participate in a cross-Faculty formative peer review of teaching process. The formative program described below is open to anyone at UBC.

Though the process outlined on this site is uni-directional (i.e., a reviewer giving feedback to an instructor), we highly encourage you to consider a reciprocal peer review process where instructors observe each other's teaching, reflect on what they learned through the observation, and share feedback.

How does it work?

As a reviewee (i.e., person being reviewed), you will select and meet with up to two volunteer peer reviewers. The reviewers are experienced in the peer review of teaching at UBC and have completed at least one workshop offered by CTLT on becoming a peer reviewer; they are listed on our website.

The peer review process is typically organized around your goals and a structured classroom observation. In such a case, a peer reviewer will meet with you before the observation, observe you teach a class and then provide you with formative feedback based on your goals and what they observed during the class.

What aspect of my teaching is being reviewed/observed?

Teaching is a complex and multi-faceted. A review of teaching can potentially include a focus on anything from sensitivity and attention to student diversity, to the articulation of learning outcomes, to the clarity of one's presentation slides, to the design of one's syllabus (and/or many other elements). In a formative review, you, the person requesting the review, gets to decide what aspect of your teaching you most want feedback on based on your goals for growth as a teacher.

How will I benefit?

The Formative Peer Review Program aims to encourage dialogue about teaching amongst instructors (faculty members, graduate students, instructors and others who teach) of all ranks at UBC. By talking with your reviewers, you will likely gain new insights into your teaching and information about different teaching strategies or ideas; you can use these in your current teaching or incorporate them into lesson and course planning in the future. Reviewers also learn a lot about teaching by participating in the process.

If your reviewers provide written feedback and they agree that you can share it, you may choose to use it as evidence in your teaching portfolio and/or in your case for tenure and promotion.

What support is available to me?

At least once a year, we offer a workshop on the peer review of teaching through the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. Customized workshops and consultations are available for individual departments, schools, and Faculties upon request.

How it works

The peer review process is generally organized around a structured classroom observation. A peer reviewer will observe a participating educator (reviewee) teach a class and provide the reviewee with formative feedback based on what she or he observed during the class. For information about peer review of online teaching, please see the tab "online teaching".


Anyone interested in participating in the peer review of teaching may contact an individual reviewer listed on our website. Details of the peer review process will be worked out between the reviewer and the reviewee and will revolve around the reviewee's goals.

Your goals for growth as a teacher are at the centre of this process and they will influence who you approach for--and how you structure--your review . That's why we encourage you to reflect carefully on your goals. If you are not sure what your goals are, you may wish to go to the "Resources" section and look at some sample protocols as these can provide ideas. For example, would you like to focus on how you use questions in your teaching? or how you pay attention to student diversity? or how you use the physical space for active learning? or something else? There are so many potential areas you could focus on. Select a small number (one is just fine!) and see how it plays out in various aspects of your teaching.

The following describes what happens before, during and after the classroom observation:

Part 1: Before the classroom observation (once the reviewer has been determined)

  • The reviewee reflects further on their goals for peer review.
  • The reviewee decides which course will be observed and prepares a list of classes the reviewer can choose from when scheduling an observation.
  • Before the classroom observation, the reviewee should plan and prepare for the class as they normally would. In addition, the reviewee must also prepare to brief the peer reviewer about their goals for the review, as well as any details relevant to the course and the class that will be observed. This pre-observation meeting document will help the reviewee prepare in advance of the first meeting with the peer reviewer(s).
  • Approximately one week before the classroom observation, the peer reviewers and reviewee meet for approximately one hour to set goals for the peer review process and to discuss the course, the reviewee’s development goals, and their plans for the class to be observed.

Watch videos on:

Part 2: Classroom Observation

  • The reviewee teaches their class while the peer reviewer observes the session. The peer reviewer's observation is guided by a set of questions (see classroom observation questions ) and any goals set at the pre-observation meeting.

Watch the video on The classroom observation

Part 3: After the classroom observation

  • The peer reviewer(s) prepare a written report based on the reviewee’s goals and the classroom observation.
  • The reviewee reflects on the classroom observation using the post-observation discussion questions.
  • Approximately a week after the classroom observation, the reviewee and peer reviewer will meet to discuss the classroom observation and the peer reviewer’s report.
  • Following the meeting the peer reviewer will make any necessary revisions to their report and send it to the reviewee.
  • The reviewee will apply their learning to future professional development, peer reviews, course design, and lesson planning. (We hope the reviewer will do the same!)
  • The reviewee may choose to use include the report in a teaching portfolio and/or tenure and promotion request (please ensure that the reviewers have agreed to this).

Watch the video on The post observation

If you're looking for information about the formative peer review of online teaching, please see the "online teaching" tab.


The peer reviewers listed on this page are available to conduct confidential peer reviews of their teaching. We thank them for their service and contributions!

All peer reviewers below have completed the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology workshop: "Developing Your Skills as a Peer Reviewer: Introductory Workshop". In addition, many of the reviewers have a university degree in education and/or have completed the International Program for the Scholarship of Educational Leadership: UBC Certificate on Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education. Several of the peer reviewers for this program are teaching award winners.

For a full description of the formative peer review process, please read the Peer Review Process section of our website.

How to request a review (suggested process)

  1. Read over the reviewer bios
  2. Select 1 or 2 reviewers you feel might be a good match for you
  3. Email the reviewer(s) with a brief description of your request and a query about their availability.

When you email a reviewer for a request, please indicate:

  • Type of peer review you would like (classroom observation, review of online teaching, review of assignments or syllabi or other material, review of teaching philosophy statement, other)
  • A brief statement of your goal for peer review
  • A time range within which you are hoping to be peer reviewed and details of when/where you teach (if you are hoping for a classroom observation)
  • Your contact information

If you have any questions or want help, please contact Dr. Isabeau Iqbal (


Frequently asked questions about the Peer Review of Teaching Program


Peer review of teaching

Peer review of teaching is informed assessment, by colleagues or peers, of teaching-related activities for the purposes of fostering development and/or making personnel decisions. There are two main types of peer review: formative and summative. Both formative and summative are integral to a comprehensive evaluation of teaching.

Summative peer review

Summative peer review of teaching is informed collegial judgment about teaching intended for evaluative purposes. Summative peer review is used to aid in making personnel decision, such as hiring, promotion, and tenure. The primary goal is to assess instructor performance relative to criteria. The information is for public inspection (I.e., by the department head or dean, and by tenure and reappointment committees) and may be more comparative in nature than formative peer review (Cassidy & Lee, 2011; Chism, 2007; Cavanagh, 1996).

Formative peer review

The primary goal of formative peer review of teaching is to develop and enhance teaching practice. Formative peer review provides instructors with information they can use to grow professionally in their teaching. The information is confidential, constructive, and intended for an instructor's personal use. The process is usually rich in detail, ongoing, and fosters self-reflection and insights into teaching (Byrne, Brown & Challen, 2010; Chism, 2007; Gosling, 2014).


Byrne, J., Brown, H., & Challen, D. (2010). Peer development as an alternative to peer observation: A tool to enhance professional development. International Journal for Academic Development, 15(3), 215-228.

Cassidy, A. & Lee, J. (2011). Peer Review: Structured, informal, confidential, helpful. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 4. 68-73.

Cavanaugh, R. (1996). Formative and summative evaluation in the faculty peer review of teaching. Innovative Higher Education, 20(4), 235-240.

Chism, N.V. (2007). Peer review of teaching: A sourcebook (2nd ed.). Bolton, MA: Anker Publications.

Gosling, D. (2014). Collaborative peer-supported review of teaching. In J. Sachs & M. Parsell (Eds.), Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. New York, NY: Springer. Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education, 9, 13-31.


What is the purpose of the peer review of teaching?

Within the context of higher education, the peer review of teaching has two broad purposes: 1. to assist instructors enhance their teaching, and 2. to assess an instructor’s teaching as part of a formal reward system linked to the individual’s career advancement (i.e. tenure, promotion and other personnel decisions).

What is the difference between a formative and a summative peer review?

In the formative peer review of teaching process, colleagues generate information for you about your classroom teaching that you can use to improve your teaching and your students′ learning. You control the process and how the resulting information is used. For example, in the formative process, you would select the person who conducts the observation and would then decide whether the written comments—if there are any—would be kept confidential or added to your personnel file. In a summative peer review, colleagues observe you teach and report back to the department head or dean for the purpose of reappointment, promotion or tenure.

What is the benefit of having more than one person review my teaching?

Two reviewers will give you two different perspectives on your teaching. Because teaching is such a complex activity, the reviewers may focus on different aspects of your teaching and the students′ learning. Having two reviewers may give you more reliable information about your teaching.

What is the benefit of selecting a reviewer from outside the faculty?

Because they are unfamiliar with the discipline and learning environment, external reviewers are like new students encountering your class for the first time. They will be able to give you an outsider’s perspective on your class. External reviewers can provide feedback on aspects of teaching like how you structure learning activities, facilitate discussions, and communicate with students. They also will be able to share teaching ideas and strategies used in their discipline.

What is the advantage of participating in this program, if there is already a departmental peer review of teaching process?

Too often, institutional boundaries prevent colleagues interested in teaching from having sincere conversations about common educational issues and challenges. The program seeks to foster cross-faculty discussions about teaching and learning.

Is this peer review summative or formative?

This program is intended to be formative. However, if you think your department would value knowing about your progress over time, then you may consider including the reviewers′ reports in your teaching portfolio, tenure and promotion request, or in your annual review.

Do academic rank or job classification matter in the process?

All educators are invited to participate and learn from one another. In this program, reviewers may be at the same or different rank from the reviewee.

How is confidentiality handled in the formative peer review of teaching program?

The only people involved in the discussions will be the reviewee and the reviewers. The process is confidential, unless the reviewee decides to include reflections or documentation about the process in their teaching portfolio or personnel file.

I teach a PBL class. May I participate in the program?

Yes, because the peer review process is designed for various forms of teaching and learning.

What will be done with the information about my teaching generated during the peer review?

Reviewees receive written reports from their reviewer(s). Reviewees decide how they will use the information contained in the reports and with whom they will share the information. The aim of the program is to generate useful feedback that a reviewee may be able to use to develop and/or revise aspects of his/her teaching, to incorporate into a teaching portfolio or to bolster an argument for tenure and promotion.

What control do reviewees have over and during the process?

Each reviewee selects the peer reviewer with whom they will work, decides which class the reviewer will attend, sets the objectives and focus for the classroom observation, and decides what to do with the feedback they receive from the reviewers.

Who will review my teaching?

The list of reviewers is available on a section of this website. You will choose a reviewer among the people listed.

What training do the peer reviewers receive?

All peer reviewers complete an intensive training course run by CTLT which teaches them how to conduct peer reviews and to observe classroom teaching. Many of the reviewers have also completed the UBC Faculty Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, the Instructional Skills Workshop, or a graduate degree in Higher or Adult Education.

When should peer reviews take place?

The peer review can happen any time deemed suitable for you and your reviewer. Each reviewee may decide when to schedule the classroom observations. Scheduling them earlier or towards the middle of the term will give you timely and relevant feedback that may be useful in the later stages of your course. Also keep in mind that reviewers will be busy towards the end of semester with their own teaching.

How will reviewees receive feedback?

Reviewees will receive verbal and written feedback. Reviewees will meet with their reviewers after the classroom observation and engage in a friendly, collegial dialogue about the class that the reviewer observed. The reviewers will also summarize their feedback and suggestions in a written report.

What is formative feedback?

Formative feedback is information that is intended to support an educator′s growth towards becoming a better teacher. The feedback aims to be non-evaluative and is not intended to be a snapshot or final judgement of an educator′s fitness or competence. Rather the goal is to provide information that can help you reflect on your teaching and plan changes for the future. Formative peer review aims to help you better understand how you approach the task of university teaching, and who you are as a teacher.

What is implicit bias and what does it have to do with peer review of teaching?

Implicit biases (sometimes called unconscious biases) refer to our unconscious associations linked to race, sex, age, and other identity markers that influence our evaluative thoughts and attitudes toward others (e.g., instructor’s favorable attitude toward certain students, reviewer’s negative assessment of an instructor’s teaching effectiveness based on a stereotype of the instructor’s social group). Because implicit biases are unconscious and automatic, it takes time to unlearn or control them. However, becoming aware of your own implicit biases can help you better regulate them.

It is important for both you and your reviewer to be cognizant of the implicit biases that both parties inevitably bring into the classroom. You (and your reviewer if possible) can take the Implicit Association Test ( and discuss what you learned from the results.

How much time will the process take?

The process normally takes a minimum of five hours to complete.

What form will the reviewers′ reports take?

The report consists of the following materials:

  1. Notes from the pre-observation meeting. This may include notes taken by the reviewer during the meeting, a summary that the reviewer writes after the meeting, emailed or written answers that the reviewee wrote (if they wish to submit them to the report), or similar kind of notes.
  2. Notes that the reviewer takes during the classroom observation, or a summary they write immediately after. It may take the form of prose, a chart or other similar kinds of notes.
  3. Notes taken during the post-observation meeting. This may include notes or a summary that the reviewer may take during the conversation and notes that summarize the conversation between the reviewer and the reviewee.

These notes/summaries make up the report, which is shared with the reviewee during the post-observation meeting and left with them at the end of the meeting.


Developing Your Skills as a Peer Reviewer of Teaching: Introductory Workshop

We usually offer the above 2-hour workshop at CTLT once a year.

The peer review of teaching process introduced in this experiential workshop is intended primarily as a form of formative (and developmental) feedback.

By the end of this workshop participants should be able to:

  • Describe the peer review of teaching process
  • Provide constructive feedback for the person being reviewed
  • Conduct appropriate pre- and post-observation interviews
  • Respond to various peer review of teaching situations

This workshop is open to everyone in the UBC teaching and learning community.

For more information, please email Isabeau Iqbal or check the CTLT Events website.


Checklists for Peer Review

  • Are you being peer reviewed on your teaching? This checklist will help a reviewee think about what needs to happen before and during a pre-observation conversation.
  • Are you peer reviewing someone's teaching? This checklist will help a reviewer think about what needs to happen before and during a pre-observation conversation.

Sample Forms and Protocols for Classroom Observation

  • A Guide for Peer Review and Dialogue about Inclusive Teaching
The Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Kansas has many resources for peer review as part of a broader initiative on Teaching Effectiveness. Of note, see their Guide for Peer Review and Dialogue about Inclusive Teaching found in the sub-section "General Guidance and Tools for Any Audience".
  • Peer Review in the Active Learning Classroom
The Mosaic Initiative, Indiana University, has developed helpful resources for peer review of teaching in the active learning classroom. These resources take into consideration special elements that are part of classrooms designed to support active and collaborative learning approaches. With permission from Mosaic Active Learning Initiative at Indiana University, we share these here:
These rubric examples from Utah Valley University allow one to determine whether the instructor’s dimensions of teaching are poor, acceptable, or excellent, and provides sources of evidence of when these situations may occur.

UBC Peer Review of Teaching video series

Alternatives to traditional peer review of teaching


UBC Summative Peer Review of Teaching Initiative

UBC Guide to Re-appointment, Promotion and Tenure 

Classroom Climate (CTLT Indigenous Initiatives)

Inclusive Teaching Resources for Faculty (Inclusive Teaching @UBC)

Online Teaching

Formative Peer Review of Online Teaching

In this section of the website, you will find information about the CTLT Formative Peer Review of Online Teaching (PROT) Program.

A formative PROT may be requested when an instructor seeks feedback on:

  • course design
  • student engagement strategies
  • teaching materials (i.e. syllabi, assignments)
  • their dossier
  • other...

It is recommended to limit the scope of the feedback one is requesting.

Before Engaging in PROT: Self-Assessment


Prior to requesting a peer review of online teaching (PROT), you (the instructor) may wish to conduct a self-assessment of your teaching and course. You can use the Online/Blended Learning Course Quality Checklist to help you. Download the Online/Blended Learning Course Quality Checklist here.

Steps in the Formative Peer Review of Online Teaching


There are 4 main steps in the formative peer review of online teaching (PROT). They are:

Step 1: Initiating the review

Step 2: Preliminary meeting and access to the course

Step 3: Review of online teaching (“observation”)

Step 4: Post-observation meeting and follow-up

Each step will be outlined in more detail below. Please note that specifics of each step can vary depending on the individual, the unit, the institution etc.

Step 1: Initiating the review

A formative PROT is initiated by the instructor who seeks feedback on their teaching. That instructor approaches a trusted colleague to request their support. In some departments, formative reviews are required and initiated by someone who has formally been appointed to lead that initiative.

If you are approached by a colleague to do a review, discuss these important questions to help determine if you are a good fit for one another:

  1. What are your goals for the review?
  2. What is the timeline for this review?
  3. What are you looking for in a reviewer?

Once a reviewer and reviewee have agreed to collaborate, here are some recommendations and tips for success:

  • Acknowledge (and remember throughout) that it takes courage to request a peer review
  • The success of a formative PRT depends a lot on the relationship between the reviewee (person being reviewed) and reviewer(s)
  • As a reviewer, you are likely to learn a lot! Bring a learner's mindset to the review.

Note: We recognize that many faculty members do not feel equipped to do a review of online teaching, even if they have extensive experience with peer reviews and with teaching.

Before the preliminary meeting

Before the preliminary meeting, the reviewer may find it helpful to have some information about the instructor's course and teaching. If so, they can create a Qualtrics survey that includes any or all of questions below and send it to the reviewee with a request that the responses be provided ahead of the preliminary meeting. Please note that the survey is optional; the information in the survey can be gathered during the preliminary meeting.

1. Course design:

  • What was your role in designing the course?
  • If you were assisted by an instructional designer or other person, please describe their involvement in the design of your course.
  • When was your course last updated? What updates did you make and what prompted you to make these changes?
  • Which tools are you using in the course outside of Canvas? How do these tools support student learning?

2. Content development:

  • What is the extent of your contribution to content development? How, if at all, did others contribute to the development of the content?
  • Are there aspects of the course content that you would like to have changed but you didn’t have time or resources? Please explain.
  • Are there aspects of the course content that you cannot change due to program policy or other factors? Please say more.

3. Other

  • Is there anything else you would like your reviewers to know about the content and design of this course?
  • Is there anything else you would like to let your reviewers know that might help support this process?
  • Are you interested in collecting feedback from your students about their experience of learning in this course? If so, we can discuss options during the preliminary meeting.

Step 2: Preliminary meeting and access

At the preliminary meeting, the reviewer and reviewee will revisit the reviewee's goals for the review. Even though these were shared early in the process, it is useful to keep the reviewee's goals at the centre of the review.

Step 2a: Preliminary meeting to discuss online teaching

The preliminary meeting allows reviewers and reviewees to build rapport while they discuss online teaching and the logistics of gaining access to the course. It has other benefits that include promoting a culture of teaching and learning and enhancing collegiality. The preliminary meeting is a key element of the formative PRT.

If the reviewee has completed the survey (see Step 1), the preliminary meeting can build upon the responses. If the survey was not done before this meeting, you can incorporate a discussion of the suggested questions into the preliminary meeting.

Some of the questions to discuss at the preliminary meeting include:

1. Canvas Module or Section for observation

  • Is there a particular module or section to be reviewed? 

  • What is the significance of this module in the course as a whole?

2. Synchronous and/or asynchronous teaching

  • Are there any synchronous sessions/activities that you’d like to be observed? Why?

  • Are there any asynchronous lectures/activities that you’d like to be reviewed? Why?

3. Student Engagement In the online space, student engagement encompasses three types of interactions: interaction with peers, interaction with content and interaction with instructor/facilitator.

The points below address various types of student engagement.

  • Explain steps you have taken to foster a learning environment that is supportive, inclusive and motivates students to learn. 

  • Describe how you encourage student-to-student interaction in course assignments and other learning activities.

  • Discuss how you communicate your expectations for participation and collaboration.

  • Explain strategies you use to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning (e.g. allowing learners to participate in the design of course activities or other).

4. Assessment and Learning Activities

  • Explain how your assessments reflect and measure the intended learning outcomes. 

  • Are there additional skills/competencies that are being measured by your assessment(s)?

  • How do you clarify expectations for students (e.g. rubrics, checklists, other)? 
Are students given choice(s) about how to engage in their assignments? Say more...

  • How do you design assessment activities that are meaningful and relevant to your students.?
  • Describe your approach to delivering timely and appropriate constructive feedback 

5. Communication and Responsiveness

  • Discuss your approach to responding to student concerns and course-related issues.

  • What kind of office hours do you hold?

  • What means of contact are you using?

6. Ongoing Reflection and Improvement 

  • Explain how you evaluate the effectiveness of your course.
  • What strategies do you employ for updating and refining course content and assignments?

  • Explain how you make sure that your course promotes student learning and intellectual growth. 
  • Describe ways in which you seek out student feedback to improve your course.

Step 2b: Access to the course and to other documentation

In order to complete the review, the reviewer will need access to the online course. If you need assistance for a course associated with the UBC Vancouver campus, contact the Learning Technology Hub: lt(dot)hub@ubc(dot)ca

Depending on the focus of the review, the reviewer may also need access to other documents such as the teaching portfolio, teaching philosophy statement, student evaluations of teaching, etc.

Step 3: Review of online teaching (Observation)

Below are two different tools for assessing online teaching. Both tools can be modified to your context.

Assessing Online Facilitation:

“The Assessing Online Facilitation instrument can be used to guide a current course's facilitation or review a recent course's facilitation.”

We extend our thanks to Dr. Cynthia Flores Gautreau, lead for the development of Assessing Online Facilitation, for granting permission to adapt this tool.

Rubric for Online Instruction:

“The Rubric for Online Instruction (ROI) is a tool used to create or evaluate the design of a fully online or blended course, and was developed at Chico State. The rubric was designed to answer the question, "What does high-quality online instruction look like?"

This tool is licensed with a Creative Commons attribution license.

If the reviewee has indicated they would like to solicit feedback from students on their experience of learning, a process (i.e., an anonymous survey, small group feedback, or other) can be implemented.

Step 4: Post-Observation Meeting and Follow-Up

This is a chance to have a confidential conversation about the PROT.


  • invite the reviewee to reflect on the experience.
  • please remember to focus your feedback on the instructor's goals for review.
  • if you have feedback to share that is outside the scope of what the instructor asked for feedback on, check with the instructor if they want to hear or use your own judgement to gauge whether this is the right time/place to share.
  • let the reviewee know what you learned from participating!

If you (the reviewer) have written notes to share, let the reviewer know how/when they can access these. If you have resources to share that can further support the instructor, let them know about this too.

The CTLT Formative PRT Program & Resources


The UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology has a long-standing program on formative peer review of teaching. Please see the Formative Peer Review of Teaching section of our website for details and for a list of reviewers.

If you are interested in having your online course peer reviewed, please contact Dr. Isabeau Iqbal to discuss options (

Our resources include:

Developing Your Skills as a Peer Reviewer of Online Teaching: Introductory Workshop

Once or twice a year, we offer a workshop focused on peer review of teaching. It is suitable for reviewers and reviewees and is not specific to the review of online teaching. See the CTLT Events page for upcoming dates or contact our Events Team at:

Videos about Formative Peer Review of Teaching

Watch our video series aimed to help reviewers and reviewees who are participating in the formative peer review of teaching (the series is focussed on teaching done in a physical classroom).

To see the videos that are part of the Formative Peer Review of Teaching series, visit our YouTube channel and go to the playlist found here.

The videos include:

  1. Reviewer's first steps
  2. How to prepare for a pre-observation meeting
  3. The pre-observation meeting
  4. The classroom observation
  5. The post-observation meeting

Summative Peer Review of Teaching

For more information about formative peer review, please email Isabeau Iqbal.
