Resources and Guides

The resources and guides listed below include helpful information, reading, references, and opportunities to learn more about anti-racism, decolonization, and EDI.


Resource/Initiative UBC Affiliation Audience Details
Anti-Racism in Academia  Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Staff and faculty Overview of how anti-racism shows up in academia, including educator-facing resources.
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Indigenous Initiatives Online Land Acknowledgement Resource Indigenous Initiatives Staff and faculty Resources for virtual land acknowledgements.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Research Resource Library Equity & Inclusion Office; UBC Research + Innovation Staff, faculty, and students A non-exhaustive library of resources that provide researchers with a starting point for building EDI into their research.
IBPOC Connections  Equity & Inclusion Office Staff and faculty IBPOC Connections is about community, belonging, and engagement. This page includes resources such as webinars, reading material, etc.
Inclusive Teaching @ UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) Staff, faculty, and students A website for UBC instructors, graduate students and staff who want to learn more about inclusive teaching practices. Find resources, discover opportunities for professional development, and learn about work happening across UBC.
Indigenous Foundations  Faculty of Arts Staff, faculty, and students An information resource on key topics relating to the histories, politics, and cultures of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. This website was developed to support students in their studies, and to provide instructors, researchers and the broader public with a place to begin exploring topics that relate to Aboriginal peoples, cultures, and histories.
Indigenous Portal  First Nations House of Learning (FNHL) Staff, faculty, and students Pathway to learning about UBC’s commitment to Indigenous engagement at its Vancouver campus and an information resource for Indigenous students, faculty and the wider community.
IN/Relation Case Studies UBC Open Case Studies and Indigenous Initiatives Staff and faculty This case study explores complex classroom dynamics involving International and Indigenous learners speaking from their own experiences and positionalities. Themes explored in this case study include: microaggressions, tokenization, setting classroom guidelines, conflicting worldviews, and encouraging participation from underrepresented and marginalized students.
Equity & Inclusion Office (EIO) Knowledge Hub Equity & Inclusion Office Staff, faculty, and students Self-directed learning and engagement in addition to live learning opportunities and resources.
Microaggressions in the Classroom  Student Diversity Initiative and Indigenous Initiatives Staff and faculty Resource on how microaggressions show up in the classroom (PDF) and how they can be addressed.
Office of the Ombudsperson for Students @ UBC  Office of the Ombudsperson for Students Staff and faculty Resources for faculty and staff who want to learn about making fair and equitable decisions that affect students.
Power, Privilege & Bystander Intervention   Equity & Inclusion Office (UBC-O) Staff and students A guide and list of resources for learning more about power and privilege.
UBC Indigenous Peoples Language Guide First Nations House of Learning, and UBC Brand and Marketing Staff, faculty, and students The Indigenous Peoples Language Guide, which was created in partnership with the First Nations House of Learning at UBC, provides information on how to navigate the terminology and meanings associated with Indigenous peoples in order to produce the best — and most respectful — communication results.
What I Learned in Class Today  Indigenous Initiatives Staff, faculty, and students What I Learned in Class Today is a research project that explores difficult discussions of Indigenous topics that take place in classrooms at UBC.