Demonstrations of Educational Leadership must extend beyond a list of activities; it is essential to be able to articulate the impact of your EL work. Consultation with various members of the university community led to the creation of 6 categorical areas of impact, grouped into three segments: people, processes and products. For each of theses categories, it is useful to specify the extent of impact, determined by scale, scope, and specific contribution.
Impact on people
The impact of EL can include the teaching practice of the individual, their colleagues, their discipline / department as well as wider (e.g. beyond UBC) impact on teaching and learning practice. Includes impact of creation / dissemination of resources / materials / software developed to support teaching and learning practice.
Educational Leadership can include the impact on student learning, achievement of course/program outcomes, student engagement, well-being and other measures of success.
Impact on processes
Approaches and priorities
Particular processes can have an impact on program / department / Faculty / institutional priorities or approaches for teaching and learning as well as creation / revision of guidelines, procedures and policies.
The impact on support capacity, support provision or on teaching and learning networks can include creating / providing workshops, seminars, communities of practice, training or mentorship programs, celebrations, awards, etc.
Impact on products
The impact on curriculum can be visible through the creation / renewal of courses, programs, degree pathways and options, accreditation requirements, modality of delivery (online or blended), engagement from community partners.
Demonstrations of Educational Leadership can impact publications, presentations, conference proceedings, workshops, invited keynotes, media or news coverage.
Additional Resources
Learn more about how to articulate the impact of educational learning activities by consulting these resources:
Teaching and Learning Framework (PDF)
Teaching and Learning Framework examples (PDF)