- Electronic/Digital Portfolios - Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation, Clemson University
- Links to sites with information and resources about e-portfolios.
- http://www.clemson.edu/OTEI/resources/instructors.html#electronic
- Portfolios - Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, UBC
- Guides readers through the steps in assembling an electronic portfolio and, in doing so, covers the major components of the e-portfolio.
- http://ctlt.ubc.ca/resources/teaching/portfolios
- Teaching Portfolios - Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Texas, El Paso
- Examples of teaching portfolios, and a link to a website with a comprehensive set of guidelines to help university faculty plan and develop their teaching portfolio.
- http://cetal.utep.edu/index.php/web-resources-on-teaching-and-learning/o-teaching-portfolios
Instructional Design Models
- Instructional Design in Elearning - elearnspace.org
- Introduces Instructional Design, provides concise answers to questions, describes various models and offers further resources.
- http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/InstructionalDesign.htm
- Instructional Design Models & Theories - Instructional Design Central
- Explanations of the Dick & Carey Model, ADDIE Model and Kemp Model.
- http://www.instructionaldesigncentral.com/htm/IDC_instructionaldesignmodels.htm
Teaching and Learning with Technology
- Research & Articles - MASIE Center: Learning Lab & Think Tank
- Offers articles, resources, and reports pertaining to teaching and learning with technology.
- http://www.masie.com/Research-Articles
- Learning Technology Consortium
- Host of resources in the area of teaching and learning with technology including: information about classroom technology, links to websites promoting online technology in education, articles and lists of useful publications.
- http://www.ltconsortium.org
- Online Education Resources - Illinois Online Network
- Selected list of resources dealing with various aspects of online education and the online environment.
- http://www.ion.uillinois.edu/resources/tutorials
- UBC's e-Learning Toolkit
- UBC's e-Learning Toolkit is for those new to using technology in education or those looking for new ideas and best practices. In the Toolkit, you will find a definition of each learning tool, sample uses, some benefits, tips on how to get started, and additional resources.
- http://www.elearning.ubc.ca/toolkit
- Video Conferencing in Higher Education - Advisory Group on Computer Graphics, Joint Information System Committee (JISC)
- This report is intended to make the readers aware of the relevant problems of using Video Conferencing by separating technological, psychological, pedagogical and sociological issues. “The aim of this report is to put Video Conferencing into a Learning Framework and to take a learner-centred rather than technology-centred view of the problem.”
- http://www.agocg.ac.uk/reports/mmedia/video3/contents.htm